Tag: Primary education

Deborah Fraser, Clare Henderson, Graham Price, Fiona Bevege, Gay Gilbert, Andrea Goodman, Olive Jones, Amanda Klemick, Shona McRae, Francis Pye, Lisa Rose, Kelly Thompson & Shirley Tyson
Mary Hill, Jan Robertson, Rachel Allan, Therese Bakker, Darryl Connelly, Maureen Grimes, Lesley Murrihy, and Mike Sutton
Stuart McNaughton, Shelley MacDonald, Meaola Amituanai-Toloa, Mei Lai, Sasha Farry
Margaret Carr, Sally Peters, Keryn Davis, Claire Bartlett, Nadine Bashford, Paula Berry, Susie Greenslade, Sue Molloy, Nikki O’Connor, Mere Simpson, Yvonne Smith, Tina Williams, and Andrea Wilson-Tukaki
Stuart McNaughton, Mei Kuin Lai, Meaola Amituanai-Toloa, and Sasha Farry
Linda Bonne and Ruth Pritchard
with Shane Gault, Vanessa Hendry, Paulette Holland, Gillian Kissling, Susan Kliffen, Mark Kyne, Catherine Miller, and Jan Treeby
John McCaffery, Helen Villers and Stephen May with Donal McLean and Chris Lowman
Bronwen Cowie, Kathrin Otrel-Cass, Ted Glynn and Helena Kara, with Marion Anderson, Jude Doyle, Asri Parkinson and Christine Te Kiri
Kathrin Otrel-Cass, Bronwen Cowie, Elaine Khoo
Sue McDowall, Ronnie Davey, Ann Hatherly, Vince Ham
Marieta Morgan, Jacoba Matapo, Janet S. Gaffney, Meg Jacobs, and Alison M.-C. Li
Judy M. Parr and Murray Gadd with Lliam Carran, James Robertson, Kate Watson, Linda Gendall, and Zeba Ali
Glenda Anthony and Margaret Walshaw

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Recently Completed

Cherie Chu-Fuluifaga and Martyn Reynolds
Sashi Sharma, Phil Doyle, Daniel Kumar, and Louis Marcelo

Project Categories

Can we discuss navigation by Categories at our next meeting. Only 5 projects have been put into sub-categories (Maths and Assessment) above. It would be useful to have feedback as to whether it’s worth creating and assigning sub-categories for all the projects