Nāu i Whatu te Kākahu, He Tāniko Taku

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Hero area (above)

Ignore the appearance for now – it will be sorted once Hori applies the design. Several things to focus on here:

  •  There will be four (or so) clickable images. Think about what they’ll connect to. A decision doesn’t need to be made now – and in fact it may be better to wait until the content is further developed before making a call here.
  • Captions in English or te reo? Hori’s design also includes text. Do we want just captions, or text as well?  If so, what do we want to say?
  • Obviously we’ll need to source and make a call on images for this section
Another thought! I’m actually wondering if Ariki are thinking this will be a carousel, rather than static images. The 3 dots at the bottom of the design indicate that this is probably the case:

Whether they’re fixed pics – or this area is a carousel – images, text, and links are needed here!

TLRI statement

There was some interest in having a purpose statement or introductory paragraph on the Kāinga page. Do we still want to do this? 

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Confirm what happens to email addresses submitted? ie  processes around the TLRI email subscriber list

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Cherie Chu-Fuluifaga and Martyn Reynolds
Sashi Sharma, Phil Doyle, Daniel Kumar, and Louis Marcelo

Project Categories

Can we discuss navigation by Categories at our next meeting. Only 5 projects have been put into sub-categories (Maths and Assessment) above. It would be useful to have feedback as to whether it’s worth creating and assigning sub-categories for all the projects